Definiton of Beauty

Every girl needs to read this book!!!! There is so much truth is this short book about modesty, beauty, and the power you have as God's Masterpiece. 

Our world has created a new definition of beauty that is based on looks and feelings. Wear these leggings and this crop top, buy this bikini, get your nose and your belly button pierced, put on this brand of makeup, don't eat these foods, and make sure to do these exercises in order to be beautiful. Society has given us the idea that the more bold you are with your body and the more you show, the more people will like you and, therefore, the more beautiful you are. How shallow is this ideation! 

Our world has convinced us that beauty depends on looks. Now don't get me wrong, every girl is outwardly beautiful - God created us to be attractive and to reflect His beauty! But beauty goes so much deeper than outward appearance. God did not just take time to create what you are - your body, smile, eyes, hair, etc - He took time to design who you are. God carefully created a personality unique to you. Who you are is truly beautiful. 

Another important factor of beauty is modesty. The world lies to us saying you can only be modest or beautiful - you can't be both because modesty hides your beauty. Nothing could be farther from the truth! And yet, we believe it because, for many of us, our understanding of modesty is wrong. Yes, there is an aspect of modesty that involves covering parts of your body. But, similar to beauty, modesty is so much more than a dress code. Modesty enhances your beauty and displays your confidence. In order to understand how modesty works, you have to understand how God defines beauty first. Modesty is a mindset, a way of life. Modesty acknowledges that you are beautiful and special, but chooses not to flaunt it to just anyone. Modesty protects your heart by saving your body for the individual God has prepared for you to spend the rest of your life with. Again, Modesty is more than a dress code, it's a way of life. Because beauty is deeper than feelings, feeling beautiful, confident, or comfotable are never excuses to wear something that in immodest. If my confidence comes from my looks or how I feel in a certain dress, my confidence is pretty shallow and will fade as soon as I change clothes. Believing the truth that you are beautiful simply because God created you that way allows you to live confidently and free from comparison. Modesty is based on the truth that I am beautiful and special, therefore I will dress and act in a way that respects myself, honors God, and doesn't cause another individual to stumble. 

Truly Beautiful 

She is not beautiful because of what she wears

Or the skin that she shows

Or the colour of her uncontrollable hair. 

She is not beautiful because of the size of her frame

Or how much she runs

Or how little she eats. 

She is not beautiful because of the filters she uses

Or the number of piercings on her body

Or the makeup she uses to cover her insecurities. 

She is not beautiful because of how many boys like her 

Or the way their heads turn when she enters the room

Or the compliments she receives. 

No, she is beautiful because of her innocence. 

She is beautiful because she is mysterious - 

Completely Unique - 

She holds a secret which she saves for him she calls her own. 

She is beautiful because she values how God describes her more that how many people like her. 

She is beautiful because she loves herself more than a man's shallow praise. 

She is beautiful because of her confidence,

The humble way she smiles when looks in the mirror - 

Believing that she is truly special. 

She is beautiful because she is passionate

And the sparkle in her eyes when she talks. 

She is beautiful because of her laugh

That makes a dark room bright 

And breathes life to those around her. 

She is beautiful because she is gentle; being full of grace

She is delicate like a butterfly, 

But like and eagle, strong and capable of amazing things! 

She is beautiful because of what she creates,

For everywhere she wanders becomes beautiful, 

Bursting with life. 

She is beautiful because she is kind,

Offering compassion to those crying in pain

Giving comfort to those crippled by fear. 

She is beautiful because she is powerful yet keeps her herself for him whom she loves. 

She is beautiful because she is strong, 

Holding the hand of she who is weak,

Creating new life within her delicate frame. 

She is beautiful because God rejoices over her, 

He sings because of her, 

And dances when He sees her. 

She is beautiful because of the purpose for which she was created. 

She is beautiful because of the way she reflects her Creator.

Yes, she is beautiful because the Creator took time to design her. 

And, when He had finsihed, the whole world stood in awe of His Masterpiece. 


  1. Beautiful truth!!!

  2. That is beautiful, Grace! So are you inside and out! God bless you!

  3. AMEN! Great words to live by and believe! So "beautifully" written and your "beauty" shines in these words!
    Love beyond what I can even express!

  4. Very well said, Grace. You are beautiful!

  5. Amazing!! I hope lots of girls and women read the book and your post!!
    Cindy G


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