Beyond Blessed...

This Thanksgiving looks quite different from holidays in the past. As I enter into a new season of life, I am reminded how much anxiety accompanies transition. For a while, I focused an all that was changing and all that I lost during transitions. During this time, I realized how negative I was and the effect it was having on my outlook on life. To change my attitude, I started writing down what I was grateful for at the end of each day. I started with three things each night, and soon found my list growing longer. I also started acknowledging little blessings throughout my day, and soon my attitude shifted from self-pity and negativity to thankfulness and joy. God created our brains in such a way that anxiety and gratefulness stem from the same area. Because these emotions are opposites, your brain cannot physically be thankful and anxious at the same moment. God created our brains so that we could either praise Him for what He has done or be worried about what could happen (even though it hasn't happen yet). Phillipians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving present your requests to God." Since being worried and grateful at the same time is physically impossible, I have chosen to notice all the ways God has blessed me in this season of waiting instead of wondering about what's going to happen next. Living in rural Africa has opened my eyes to the many ways that I am blessed. Many of my neighbors have very little physically. Yet, they are so generous and their joy is contagious. They have taught me that being grateful and expressing joy does not depend on my earthly possessions or temporary circumstance; my joy should be based on what God has done for me, in my life, and what he is continuing to do.   
                                                                   I am thankful for. . .
My family! They (and Jesus) are my one constant through all the changes and transitions I go through.  
My dad displays sacrificial love and is so good at doing ministry. I'm glad I could go with him to Moroto prison. He willingly drives me seven hours to the chiropractor every week (now every other week). He is also intentional in having a good time with us. 
My mom! She is a beautiful example of what it looks live like Jesus. She is always there to laugh at me, listen to me, comfort me. . .

Lydia; she is so talented and not afraid to embrace different cultures. 

Luka! We drive each other crazy, but we love each other more than anything. He is my tag along buddy. Between Lydia, Luka, and I, we cannot keep a straight face; you can't take us anywhere.

EMALAI!!! She is the one asking all the questions. Her curious mind loves to explore and imagine. She is not ashamed to be herself and loves when I play with her. 

And then there is Makai. . . I chase this little dude all over the place, but l wouldn't trade it for the world! He gets into everything and asks "why?" to everything answer I give him until I don't know anymore. He lights us my world!

Missionary friends that become family! Over the years, many missionary familiees have moved away. Still, when we reconnect, it's like they never left. 
(And the bunnies we are holding)

Cousins and extended family!!! Especially those that have walked every step of life with us. No words can explain the connection I have with Avalien. We have literally gone through EVERYTHING together. From moving to Uganda in 2007 to going to driver's training together. We've been through so much together that I don't even have to explain things because she just understands, and that is a connection that is priceless. 

And I cannot forget my little cousins. I adore them and love hanging out, playing games, swimming and coloring with them! 

Friends in Uganda! God has blessed me with an amazing community here. I love these ladies more than I can express! They are so funny and we always have a good time. Nothing is more rewarding than sharing my life and God's love with them. 

The one on the right, Iliu Glades, is my oldest friend from the village. She loves to talk and answers all my questions! 

Babies (this is Makai)! I love holding these little miracles! They are so precious. 

Sunrises and Sunsets. The promise of a new day and the assurance that I get another chance to live for Jesus. 

Rainy days! I love rain! Not only does it cool things down here, but it gives a sense of a fresh start. Whatever went wrong today has been washed away, and you can restart underneath a rainbow. 

Good health! This is one I often take for granted, but it is a blessing that is not guaranteed. This is Deborah (more on her story coming up). 

Art! I love doodling, painting, handlettering. . . I often have to make myself stop so I can focus on what I'm supposed to be doing. (The picture on the right was done by a student on their desk, someone who has a great handful of talent!)

Colors! I love colors. They bring so much life and joy to our world of darkness. 

Traveling. Going to different places around the world and seeing new cultures is one of the greatest blessings that comes with being a missionary. Growing up overseas gives a mk (missionary kid) a natural interest in different people groups around the world. 

The two and a half years we spent in Michigan. At first, it seemed like a waste because we weren't really invovled in ministry. But looking back I can see all the blessings that came through it and how God was working. We adopted Makai, I got a taste of what it's like to live in the States, I learned how to drive, experienced a lot on new things with Avalien, attended a church that strengthened my relationship with Christ, found a good youth group, went on a missions trip, found a good group of friends (after a long time of searching). . .

Some will roll their eyes at me, but honestly I'm thankful for the many trips I took to Meijer. That is where I went when I just needed to get out of the house for a couple minutes. Lyd and I made several late night trips and had to take a picture by the mirrors every time.
Coffee! It brings a little more joy to each day. 

My friend, Megan. She is my coffee-loving, travel buddy. Her family spent time overseas and adopted a couple kids. Having her at school gave me a friend who understood my life to some extent. Her church and family were very welcoming and accepting. I am so thankful for the times when I could hang out with her family and pastor's family. 

My other friend, Laura. She and I get into and out of trouble together. She is willing to do crazy things with me. We laugh at each other and share food. We could talk until 1:00 in the morning and it still wouldn't be enough time. Both of these girls encouraged and challenged my faith.  

Laura's family was so good to me during my last few months in Michigan. They gave me a place to go to and hang out until late at night. Also, they let me tag along with them when they were going somewhere. 

I could go on and on with an continuous number of pictures. But I think this is enough for now. These are the highlights from this past year. And there is still more I have not shared with you! I'm also thanful for everyone who takes time to read my blog. You guys mean so much to me! Thanks for supporting me! 


  1. I'm thankful for you! And all the fun we had messing around! Especially before theatre productions!


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